by ramonmasca | Feb 22, 2016 | Clinical Massage Therapy
There are many styles of massage and even within a given style, techniques can vary quite a lot from one massage therapist to another. This can be confusing for the consumer, however, most massage styles fit into one of two broad categories. Massage practice can range...
by ramonmasca | Oct 8, 2015 | Clinical Massage Therapy
Whether a result of poor posture, overuse during work or even leisure activities like sports, shoulder pain is part of normal life, especially with aging. Shoulder pain or injury is caused by overuse or incorrect use of the specific muscles, tendons and ligaments that...
by ramonmasca | Oct 8, 2015 | Clinical Massage Therapy
Trigger points, also known as myofascial trigger points or muscle knots, are extremely irritated spots in the fascia (soft tissues) that surround skeletal muscles. Although trigger points can be difficult to find, they often produce a tight band or noticeable bump in...
by ramonmasca | Oct 7, 2015 | Clinical Massage Therapy
Have you noticed that treatment for pain in your back often begins with strengthening muscles located on the front side of your body, the abdominals? Although this may seem like a contrary approach, medical professionals know that opposite muscle groups within our...