Constipation and Massage Connection

Constipation Sung to the tune of Alouette: Constipation, chronic constipation Constipation, a game we like to play So we take some mineral oil* Gulp it down in one big swallow Wait awhile—drop your pile When we were kids, my sisters and I thought that song was...

Love Your Veggies

    Love Your Veggies June is National Fruit and Vegetables Month and June 17 is National Eat your Veggies Day! If you learn about the health benefits of vegetables you may be more excited about eating your veggies. Read on for more tips about to help you...

Find your trigger foods

Ingredients in foods and even foods themselves can sometimes trigger pain and inflammation including headaches, digestive issues and muscle and joint pain. For some people the problem may be a food allergy, for some a food intolerance. If you know you feel lousy when...

Food affects hormones – say what?

Lots of people love to eat steaks, hamburgers and sausages but the majority of us don’t realize the affects these foods have on our body’s hormones and our health–long term and even short term. Nelson Campbell, T. Colin Campbell, PhD and State Representative Tom Riner...

Magnesium: essential anti-inflammatory nutrient

  If you’ve had a massage at PalmLeaf Massage Clinic, you’ve probably heard the advice “Relax in a bath with Epsom salt.” The reason that such good advice is that Epsom salt contains magnesium which you will absorb through your skin. Magnesium is essential for...