How Often Should You Get a Therapeutic Massage? Advice for Massage Near Me Buffalo Grove<br />

Are you feeling tense, achy, or simply in need of some relaxation? Well, you’re not alone. Nowadays, many people, from youth to the elderly, turn to therapeutic massage as a powerful tool to manage daily stress, relieve pain, and promote overall well-being. 

Therapeutic massage has become an integral part of many people’s wellness routines in Buffalo Grove and the surrounding neighborhood. It offers a range of benefits, from stress relief to pain management. But how often should you indulge in this rejuvenating practice?

Let’s find out!

What is Ideal for You?

Usually, experts recommend getting a massage once a month to maintain the advantages of stress relief and relaxation. Keep in mind that the duration and frequency of massage therapy depend upon the body part to target and the type of massage you want. Before determining how often to get a massage, you should also consider the reasons. Are you looking to:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety?
  • Manage chronic pain?
  • Enhance general wellness?
  • Address pregnancy-related discomfort?

Your specific goals will help guide the frequency of your massage sessions.


Therapeutic Massage Therapy for Specific Conditions


General Wellness and Relaxation

Frequency: If you are one of those who are seeking health benefits and relaxation, it will be beneficial to get one or two 60-minute massage sessions every month. 


Why: If you are under light to moderate stress, this approach will help you prevent stress, improve blood circulation, and release muscle tension from building up. 


Stress Management

Sometimes you just need to manage the stress in your life, which you can’t help but be faced with. Whether it’s coming from having children, your career, or other mental and physical demands, therapeutic massage therapy is an excellent way to relieve the body and reduce stress. 


According to the American Massage Therapy Association, 66% of people taking massage therapy in 2018 did so to relax and reduce stress. In addition, weekly or biweekly sessions can help manage stress levels and provide something to look forward to.


Back and Neck Pain

A study has revealed, approx. 26% of adults in the USA suffer from low back pain, and 14% have neck pain due to poor posture, herniated discs, injuries, and other conditions. In this therapy, the experts target muscle groups and soft tissues in these areas to reduce tension and stress, encourage relaxation, and promote blood circulation. Apart from that, there are other therapeutic advantages, including, 

  • Improved range of motion
  • Reduced pain and soreness
  • Enhanced posture
  • Improved blood and lymph circulation


Therefore, to address neck pain effectively, you must consider getting 60-minute massages two or three times a week. A study (Deep Tissue Massage and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs for Low Back Pain: A Prospective Randomized Trial) revealed that daily 30-minute deep tissue massages for 10 days can significantly reduce pain.



There is no doubt that pregnancy is a significant life-changing transitional period for women. During this period, women go through a rollercoaster of physical, emotional, and psychological changes in their lives. 


Getting a therapeutic massage during pregnancy will help them to alleviate aches and pains, reduce stress, relax tense muscles, and many more. The licensed therapists customize the massage sessions to address the following problems, such as: 


  • Headaches
  • Sciatica
  • Neck tension
  • Leg cramping
  • Swollen feet and ankles


Chronic Pain Management and Recovery

People who have been suffering from chronic pain for months or even years know exactly how debilitating and frustrating it can be and how greatly it impacts the quality of life. 


When it comes to chronic pain conditions or post-surgery recovery, the frequency of massages may need to be higher initially. You should generally start with two therapeutic massage sessions per week for the first 4-6 weeks, then gradually increase the time between sessions as symptoms improve. 


The licensed therapists recommend getting deep tissue massage at least once every couple of weeks. However, always consult with your healthcare provider before starting a massage regimen for these situations.


Athletic Performance

Sports massage is extremely important, whether for athletes or people with an active lifestyle. If you train intensively, consider getting a sports massage once a week to improve athletic performance, reduce muscle soreness, and lower the risk of injury. For those who train less intensively, a monthly maintenance massage may suffice, provided you warm up, stretch, and recover properly between training sessions.

What are the Benefits of Therapeutic Massage Therapy?

Therapeutic massage therapy is highly beneficial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. The following are:


  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce stress
  • Relieve pain
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Release muscle tensions
  • Enhance mental well-being


Factors That Influence Massage Frequency


  • Your lifestyle
  • Health conditions
  • Budget and time constraints
  • Personal goals
  • Body’s response


Listening to Your Body

While this general guideline provides a good starting point, you should always listen to your body and adjust the frequency of therapeutic massage therapy accordingly. You should pay attention to the following things, including:


  • How you feel after every session
  • How long do the benefits last
  • Any changes in your overall well-being


Make Time for Yourself, Buddy!

Keep in mind that consistency is often more important than frequency. Regular massages, even if less frequent, can provide more lasting benefits than sporadic intensive sessions. Usually, the ideal frequency for therapeutic massage varies from person to person.


Therefore, you should consider your specific needs, lifestyle, and health goals to determine the right schedule. However, if you want to book our therapeutic massage in Buffalo Grove, get in touch with us at PalmLeaf Massage & Wellness.